How to Find the Right Maid Service for Your Condo
Are you searching a maid company or hiring a maid to do condo cleaning? Even it’s just for housekeeping or simple cleaning, never rush to find one. You should know how to find the right maid service for your condo first.
Referrals from Family, Friends, Neighbors, and Coworkers Are Precious If you don’t know which service company is the best – what their procedure is, how much the price is, and how to find – just ask your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. They may have a sure information and credible experiences. They also can give you a great advice according to their experiences.
Interview Several Cleaning Services and ask the Right Questions before choosing one Before choosing one, you should interview at least 3 companies or individuals. Ask them these references: punctuality or schedule availability, attitude or work ethic, cleaning skills and equipment, and professionalism or trustworthiness if they can provide the previous client contact and information. Moreover, most reputable cleaning services will provide a free estimate of services over the phone or in the person. You can ask many questions before you get to the point.
Inquire about Satisfaction Guaranteed! The most important things you need to know are about breakage, damage, and satisfaction guarantees. The service company should stand behind their work and their workers. If you feel unhappy as a client, they should be able to prepare. It should be highly responsive, sincerely apologetic, and fix anything, at any cost. But, most companies tell the client in order to claim it under their own homeowner’s insurance policy, or chalk it up to the unavoidable mistake.
Employees vs. Contract Workers Ask the maid company whether their staff are employees or they are contract workers. Normally, contract workers don’t enjoy the same benefits as employees do, nor do they have the same type of oversight. Employee has a better set up rather than a contract worker does, as well as the company has more input and oversight over the workers which ultimately means that the employees are more accountable to their employer. Moreover, employees also pay the taxes and have taxes paid on their behalf by their employer that supports the province or state and country.
Ask about Service Fee and Payment for the Cleaning Services Ahead of Time You have to discuss about the service fee and payment arrangements before your first appointment. Their service may have an established system in the place already. If they didn’t, you can decide whether you want to pay after each visit, or monthly. Moreover, make sure about included services and expectations in the cleaning service prices.
Make Clear Who Will Supply the Cleaning Equipment before Hiring Most cleaning companies take all necessary equipments, like brushes, solvents, brooms, and vacuums, together with them. Homeowners need not to provide any equipment. But, sometimes, they will request to use the homeowner’s supplies. If you or somebody in your family has allergies, you can consult the cleaning service to discuss specific products that may be beneficial.